Tuesday, October 14, 2008

14 October 2008

Today after school, take MRT back to Outram after that walk home... While at MRT and walking home, my mind is running alot of things.. Feel like my temper going to blow up any time, but still don't know when going to blow soon... sian... Don't know what happen... I got another thing is that, first i thought i unable to communicate with age smaller then me, but i am wrong... Since i when for a event i able to communicate with other that age smaller or greater then me. We have fun and joke around some more is different courses and they share their courses. Even though, they are from different school but we able chit-chat. But one thing i don't understand is that WHY i can't communicate with my own classmate which smaller then me... Izzit because of my personality or i am not a gamer... Sometime i also think that i really a failure for everything. Nothing can do better no matter is study (need people help me at the back end), sport (can't play or run well), gaming (don't know how to play popular game or people say that game, i don't know anything) , even helping ( make things more worst). Is just a completely failure, only know how to say or talk stupid joke..

Really a dam failure...